- Course Number: GMS 6510
- Credit Hours: 2 credit hours
- Course Format: Online and asynchronous
- Course Syllabus: View Full Course Details
Course Description
This course is dedicated to the study of some of the most popular medicinal and recreational drugs: cannabis and tobacco. Their use is becoming commonplace in society, which warrants a comprehensive look at these plants and their derivatives. Students can expand their medical repertoire while exploring the effects of cannabis, tobacco and their derivates on the human body. This course may be of particular interest to medical professionals and researchers as well as individuals who consume these products or know someone who does.
Topics Covered:
- Introduction to Cannabis
- Cannabis Effects on Brain Function
- Cannabis Effects on Appetite, Nausea and Pain
- Cannabis and Epilepsy and Neurodegenerative Disorders
- Introduction to Tobacco
- Tobacco Pharmacology
- Effects of Tobacco Use on the Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Systems
- Effects of Tobacco Use on the Nervous System
- Tobacco Use in Pregnancy
- Effects of Second-Hand Smoke
- E-Cigarettes and Vaping
- Pharmacological Tobacco Cessation
Learning Outcomes
- Identify the various bioactive products that may be isolated from cannabis and understand the effects that cannabis-derived products have on the human body.
- Describe the different routes of administration used for tobacco products, the pharmacodynamics/pharmacokinetics of nicotine, its physiological effects and pharmacological cessation treatments available.
- Demonstrate the ability to apply pharmacological principles and an understanding of cannabis and tobacco in multiple-choice examinations, research assignments and homework exercises.
Final Grade Calculation
- 50% problem sets
- 20% research assignments
- Medical Cannabis
- Pharmacological Tobacco Cessation
- 30% final exam
This course requires a BA or BS and a strong science foundation with at least five full semester courses related to biology, chemistry and/or physics.